Fingerprint Reader Installation for Windows 11 - Point of Success Fingerprint Reader Installation for Windows 11 - Point of Success

Fingerprint Reader Installation for Windows 11

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Fingerprint Sensor Software installation for Windows 11

Windows 11 has additional requirements for installation which may interfere with older software’s ability to install. Such is the case with Fingerprint Reader provided by Digital Persona and their software. Note the three following instructions:


DigitalPersona4500Setupx64.msi (This can be found on \\mrdata\Installables\Digital Persona

Before Installing:

Run the following two commands. Launch a command prompt as administrator. 

takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\en-US /r /d y 

icacls C:\Windows\System32\en-US /grant Administrators:F /t


  1. Open Command Prompt as administrator
  2. Run: takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\en-US /r /d y 
  3. Run: icacls C:\Windows\System32\en-US /grant Administrators:F /t
  4. Reboot the computer
  5. Run: DigitalPersona4500Setupx64.msi
  6. Plug in the fingerprint sensor.

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