How to process a Void and a Refund using POSPay - Point of Success How to process a Void and a Refund using POSPay - Point of Success

How to process a Void and a Refund using POSPay

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How to process a Void and a Refund.

Ticket Open – Credit Cards Not Batched: If the transaction has not been finalized and the credit cards have not been batched, the refund can be processed by voiding the order. 

  • – PAN request not required – payment information still available for Void   
  • – Locate the ticket within Point of Success through Order entry/View Tickets/Find Ticket 
  • – Click on the Void/Refund button, choose Void Order 
  • – Or if you track waste: Open order, choose Pay, click Remove Payment, click Accept, choose Waste/Cash/Check and choose Pay Full Amount.

Ticket Closed – Credit Cards Not Batched: If the ticket is closed but the credit cards have not been batched, the refund can be processed by voiding the order. 

  • – Obtain the full number via PAN Request (or credit card customer)
  • – Locate the ticket within Point of Success through Order entry/View Tickets/Find Ticket 
  • – Click on the Void/Refund button 
  • – Click on the Void button 

Ticket Closed – Credit Cards Batched: If the ticket is closed and the credit cards have been batched, the refund cannot be processed by voiding the order. In this case you must process it as a refund.  

  • – Obtain the full card number via PAN Request (or Credit Card Customer)
  • – Locate the ticket within Point of Success through Order entry/View Tickets/Find Ticket 
  • – Click on the Void/Refund button 
  • – Click on Refund Payment 
  • – A refund can be processed for the entire amount, partial amount or specific items. 
  • – Enter an amount to refund. 
  • – Click Manual Card. 
  • – Enter Card number and click OK.

Ticket Open – Credit Card Batched: If the ticket is open but the credit cards have been batched (power outage etc.), the ticket will need to be closed manually by Point of Success Support. 

To process a refund, you need the credit card number. If you do not have the full card number, it can be obtained by completing a PAN request. You will be sent the full card number via email (sent to the email of record for your merchant account): PAN Request Form 

Online Orders: a merchant can use to make adjustments.

  • – Go to
  • – Using your login credentials, log on to

Voiding Same Day Transactions on

  • – On the left hand side of the page under Transaction Search, click on Unsettled Transactions.
  • – Click on the Blue Transaction ID
  • – When the Transaction Detail screen comes up click on Void

Voiding Previous Day Transactions on

  • – On the left hand side of the page under Transaction Search, click on Search by Business Day for previous days transaction
  • – When the Search by Business Day screen comes up, click on Search
  • – Search by Business day, Customer name, Last four digits of the credit card number and Amount of the transaction
  • – Click on the Blue Transaction ID
  • – Click on Refund
  • – The Refund Transaction window will pop up
  • – Verify the Customer and the Amount
  • – Check the box to Email transaction receipt to the customer (if email provided)
  • – Click on OK

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