Remotely accessing Point of Success - Point of Success Remotely accessing Point of Success - Point of Success

Remotely accessing Point of Success

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You can access Point of Success using any remote access technology, including:

  • Go To My PC
  • Log Me In
  • Windows Remote Desktop
  • And a number of others

Special requirements to meet PA-DSS (PCI) credit card data security standards:

Please be aware that:

If you use an alternate administration interface (e.g. Remote Desktop, LogMeIn, GoToMyPC, CrossLoop) to access your payment processing environment or to make administrative changes, the traffic must be encrypted with a secure encryption technology (e.g. SSH, VPN, or SSL/TLS) to maintain credit card data security compliance.

  • Do not use remote access solutions requiring “port forwarding” such as VNC.
  • Use two-factor authentication for remote access. Use technologies such as RADIUS, TACACS with tokens, or VPN with individual certificates assigned to each user. Two-factor authentication means that two of the following three things are required: Something the user knows (like a password), something the user has (like a one-time-use key) or something the user is (like biometric data).
  • Develop usage policies for critical employee-facing technologies (for example, remote-access
    technologies, wireless technologies, removable electronic media, laptops, personal data/digital
    assistants (PDAs), e-mail usage and Internet usage) to define proper use of these technologies for all employees and contractors. Ensure these usage policies require the following:

    • Explicit management approval to connect any device to your network
    • Authentication for use of the technology
    • A list of all such devices and personnel with access
    • Labeling of devices with owner, contact information, and purpose
    • Acceptable uses of the technology.
    • Acceptable network locations for the technologies
    • List of company-approved products
    • Automatic disconnect of sessions for remote-access technologies after a specific period of inactivity
    • Activation of remote-access technologies for vendors only when needed by vendors, with
      immediate deactivation after use

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